About Us
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorneys is an employment law / labour law firm, which is able to provide experienced legal support for both the Business Owner/Employer and the Individual Client.
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorneys have established associations with leading associates and consultants to provide a wide range of services, having the result that the firm can greatly assist in streamlining and improving your employment practices.
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorney has over 20 years’ employment/labour law experience, and additionally, has the following employment law experience in the field of chairing disciplinary enquiries:
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorney has advised a Namibian firm of attorneys in the preceding 2 years with regard to the procedural and substantive issues (fairness) that apply in disciplinary enquiries, and has also chaired a number of disciplinary enquiries for different firms in Namibia;
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorney has previously chaired disciplinary enquiries in Botswana;
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorney frequently chairs disciplinary enquiries countrywide, i.e. throughout Gauteng, the Cape Province, Free State and Kwazulu Natal;
Wynand Rautenbach and Associates Attorney presents disciplinary training on conducting disciplinary hearings to employers/large firms/industries;
During the completion of his Master’s Degree, Wynand Rautenbach dealt with disciplinary enquiries, procedural and substantive fairness, in terms of the laws of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and the Congo.